- 0.Object
- object has..
- Unique name
- Properties
- Methods
- Like command tool
- unique name
- Let you do things
- group together related functionality
- Can be used from command prompt
- Like output strings
- Contain results
- Can be parsed for particular bits of info
- Can be used from command prompt
- Type of object
- COM obj
- WMI obj
- .NET framework obj
- Windows powerShell obj
- 1.Using Object
- $obj = new-object -comobject <PROGID>
- $obj = new-object -com <PROGID>
- PROGID look like "WScript.Network" and they stored in the registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
- Accessing Properties
- $obj = new-object -com WScript.Network
- $obj.Name
- Setting Properties
- $ExcelObj = new-object -com Excel.Application
- $ExcelObj.Visible = $true
- $WorkBookObj = $ExcelObj.Workbooks.add()
- $WorkSheetObj = $WorkBookObj.Worksheets.Item(1)
- $WorkSheetObj.Cells.Item(1.1) = "Feel the Power"
- $ExcelObj.Quit
- Calling Methods
- $WorkBookObj = $ExcelObj.Workbooks.add()
- $obj = get-wmiobject -class <WMI Class>
- $obj = get-wmiobject <WMI Class>
- $obj = get-wmiobject -query <WQL>
- Accessing Properties
- $obj = get-wmiobject win32_process
- $obj.WorkingSetSize
- $obj | foreach-obkect {$_.ProcessName +":"+$_.WorkingSetSize}
- Modifying Properties
- $wmi_settings = get-wmiobject win32_wmisetting
- $wmi_settings.ASPScriptDefaultNamespace = "root\default"
- Calling methods
- $obj = get-wmiobject win32_process -filter 'Name = "notepad.exe"'
- $obj.GetOwner()
- .NET framework
- $obj = new-object -typeName <Fully-Qualified Name>
- $obj = new-object <Fully-Qualified Name>
- $obj = [ADSI]"LDAP://localhist:389/dc=NA,dc=fabrikam,dc=com"
- $di = new-object System.IO.DiretoryInfo($PSHOME)
- $PSHOME : home dir for PowerShell
- Accessing Properties
- $di = new-object System.IO.DiretoryInfo($PSHOME)
- $di.CreationTime
- Calling methods
- $di.CreateSubdirectory("test")
- $web = new-object System.Net.WebClient
- $page = $web.downloadstring(\
- UI
- [System.Refleciotn.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("")
- $form = new-object System.Wondows.Forms.form
- 2.Exploring Object
- get-member
- OLEView
- Go to MSDN library
- $objshell = get-object -com "Shell.Application" | get-member
- $objFilder = $objshell.BrowseForFolder(0,"Pick Me!!",0) //跳出瀏覽資料夾視窗
- System.IO.DirectoryInfo //namespace
- $di = get-member -membertype Property
- 3.Displaying Object
- Many ways to "display" an object
- Windows PowerShell provides a default way
- XML config files let you change that default
- 修改types.ps1xml檔以修改預設顯示欄位
- $PSHOME\types.ps1xml
- ... | format -list *
- set-executionpolicy remotesigned
- update-typedata
- 4.Saving and Restoring Object
- Export-Clixml saves a representation of the object to a file you can revive later
- new-object -com "WScript.Network" | export-clixml "mothball.xml"
- Import-Clixml restores the object from a file
- $obj = import-clixml "mothball.xml"
- 5.Copying and Modifying Object
- Select-Object
- Creates a new object by copying a portion of an exising one
- Add-Member
- Augments an object by adding to an existing one
- Add property using select-object
- get-process | select-object ProcessName,@{Name="Start Day";Expression = {$_.startTime.DayofWeek}}
- 上述物件型態
- Add property using add-mamber
- $a = "thanks for watching windows powershell week"
- $a = add-member -inputobject $a -membertype scriptmethod -name words -value {$this.splite()} -passthru
- 6.Comparing Object
- compare-object
- $process = get-process
- notepad
- $processes_now = get-process
- compare-object -ref $process -dif $process_now
- $process_now | where-object {$_.Name -eq 'notepad'} | select-object Name,HasExited //true
- , $procs | get-member //object[ ]
- Reflection uses Get-Member
- Simple,consistent,and use dot notation