- What is Cmdlet?
- a command-ine tool
- PS C:\> get-process
- Focus on a particular tast
- PS C:\> Get-Command -Noun service
- Get-Service,New-Service,Restart-Service.......
- Consistent
- Verb-Noun
- Cmdlet -param1 <value> -param2 <value>
- Get-help cmdletname
Get-Service | Sort-object Name
Get-Service | Group-object Name - Object => Cmdlet => Object //以物件輸入及輸出
- No more prayer-based parsing
- Objects aren't static
- Objects have methods and calling those to do stuff
- Retrieve object of interest
- get-eventlog system
- Flow cintrol anf filtering
- where-object {$_.... }
- Infrastructure
- get-alias
- Useful info
- Available command?
- List all command
- PS C:\> get-command
- How many?
- PS C:\> get-command | measure-object
Count : 129
Average :
Sum :
Maximum :
Minimum :
Property : - What parameters does a cmdlet take?
- different input => take different action
- get-eventlog -logname system
- get-eventlog -list
- (get-command get-eventlog).definition
- Get-EventLog [-LogName] <String> [-Newest <Int32>] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorA
ction <ActionPreference>] [-ErrorVariable <String>] [-OutVariable <String>] [-O
utBuffer <Int32>] - Get-EventLog [-List] [-AsString] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPrefe
rence>] [-ErrorVariable <String>] [-OutVariable <String>] [-OutBuffer <Int32>] - What object does a Cmdlet output?
- get-eventlog -logname system | get-member
TypeName: System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry - Categories of cmdlets
- Retrieve object
- Take action
- Filter and control flow
- Output and format
- Work with windows PowerShell providers
- Windows Powershell(including reflection)
- Cmdlet walkthrough!
- Retrieve object
- set of thing | what you want to do...
- get-process => pipeline => next cmdlet
- get-process, get-eventlog, get-service
- Get-WMIObject
- $BIOS = Get-WMIObject win32_bios
$BIOS | get-member - Get-WMIObject win32_bios | format-list * // list all property
- Get-WMIObject win32_bios | format-list [a-z]* //regular expression
- Get-WMIObject win32_bios -computername JOSEPHPC //Remote computer
- (get-command Get-WMIObject).definition
- Get-WMIObject -list | where-object {$_.Name -match "^Win32.*"} //browsing the repository for win_32 classes
- New-Object
- $object = new-object -comobject "shell.Applicaiton"
$object | get-member //see the property , method ... - $object.cascadewindows() //改變多視窗顯示模式
- 使用.net
- $DI = new-object System.IO.DirectoryInfo($PSHOME)
$DI.CreationTime - 2006年11月1日 下午 07:39:29
- Get-Eventlog
- get-eventlog -logname application -newest 5 //取最新的5筆log
- Take action
- get-service alerter, start-service alerter, stop-service alerter....
- Filter and control flow
- do this to provide concsistency
- some of this functionality is provided intrinsically by PowerShell
- Where-Object //like SQL 過濾條件
- get-service | measure-object
//script block,pipe obj one by one - get-service | where-object {$true} | measure-object
- $_ : like object variable; each value object
- get-process | where-object {$_.workingset -ge 10000000}
- Comparision Operators
- get-process | where-object {$_.ProcessName -match 'p.*shell' }
- ForEach-Object
- 30000,56798,12432 | forEach-Object -process {$_/1024} //每個數字除以1024
- 29.296875
12.140625 - Select-Object //選擇欄位
- get-wmiobject win32_processor | select-Object Maxclockspeed
- Tee-Object
- Tee as in T
- Y-Object might have been a better name
- grabs a snapshot of objects working their way down the pipeline
- stores snapshot in file or varialbe
- $proc = get-process notepad //儲存回傳物件於變數
$proc //顯示物件 - get-process notepad | tee-object -variable proc //儲存回傳物件於變數並且顯示於螢幕上
- get-process notepad > noteout.txt //儲存回傳物件於檔案
- get-process notepad | tee-object -file noteout.txt //儲存回傳物件於檔案並且顯示於螢幕上
- Output and format
- Take the work out of creating basic spreadsheets and HTML pages
- Override default formattting
- group-object
- get-eventlog application | group-object eventid //欄位為count, eventid,group
- get-process | group-object company
- sort-object
- get-eventlog application | group-object eventid -descending | sort-object count
- convertion-html
- get-service | convertion-html | out-file "service.htm"
invoke-item service.htm - export-csv
- get-service | export-csv -notypeinformation service.csv
invoke-item service.csv - Work with windows PowerShell providers
- set-location HKCU
get-childitem - set-location "control panel"
get-childitem - Windows Powershell(including reflection)
- mamage aspects of PowerShell Environment
- include reflection
- Get-History //查看本session曾打過的指令
- Get-Alias
- four windows powershell cowfolk
- get-command
- get-help -full <cmd-name>
- get-psdrive
- get-psprovider
Cmdlets are not created equal