重點整理自Let's do a deep drill into Select-String by Jeffrey Snover , Windows PowerShell/MMC Architect
- $c="a"
get-alias ($c+"*") #參數有變數 則用()包住 ; 等於get-alias a* - Select-String accepts arrays of wildcards to specify Files
- select-string 欲搜尋字串 欲搜尋之檔案路徑(可為wildcard)
- select-string drive * #搜尋目前路徑下所有檔案中包含*drive*的字串(預設視為前後加*)
- 被搜尋到的對象不能為資料夾???
- select-string drive [a-m]* #搜尋名為a-m開頭的檔案
- select-string drive drive g*,r* #搜尋名為g,r開頭的檔案
- Select-String accepts arrays of regular expressions to specify STRINGS
- 欲搜尋字串可為regular expression
- " [a-r]dr" *
- " [a-r]dr|mount"
- " [a-n]dr"," [m-z]dr"
- 若不想讓搜尋字串被視為regular expression 則要指定 -SimpleMatch
- Select-String accepts –Include and –Exclude to tweak which files it operates on
- 欲搜尋檔案可利用–Include 包含某檔案
- 欲搜尋檔案可利用–Exclude 排除某檔案
- These parameters take a wildcard expression or set of wildcard expressions and operate AFTER the filepath is resolved
- -exclude *[mn]-al* #完整檔案路徑中(不只是檔名)不包含*[mn]-al*
- -exclude [mn]-al* #完整檔案路徑中不包含[mn]-al*
- You can pipe anything that produces FileInfo objects into Select-String
- 欲搜尋之檔案可由pipeline餵近來
- dir [g-r]* |select-string drive
- ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]"c:\sstest").GetFileSystemInfos() | select-string drive
- You can pipe anything that produces MatchInfo objects into Select-String
- select-string get *|select-string item
- Select-String outputs MatchInfo objects not Strings
- Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo
- select-string "stop","new.*ve" *|Format-List *
- select-string "stop","new.*ve" *|group Pattern
- Sometimes you just want the first match in a file
- select-string item r* -list