About Windows PowerShell
- PS C:\> set-location Data
- PS C:\Data> get-childitem Pow*
- PS C:\Data> copy-item 'PowerShell' 'C:\Data\PSBackup' -recurse -force
- 複製PowerShell資料夾及其底下所有的檔案與資料夾
- PS C:\Data> remove-item PSBackup
- 刪除PSBackup 資料夾及其底下所有的檔案與資料夾
- PS C:\Data> get-content 'Hello.txt' | out-file '.\HelloCopy.txt'
- PS C:\Data> get-content HelloCopy.txt
- the get-content cmdlet is roughly equivalent to the type (Windows) or cat (Unix) commands
- PS C:\Data> sl \
- 使用set-location的alias sl 將目前路徑改為C:\
- 查看sl為何者的alias
- PS C:\> get-alias sl
CommandType Name Definition
----------- ---- ----------
Alias sl Set-Location
Windows PowerShell in a Typical IIS 7 Environment
- PS C:\> get-service
- PS C:\> get-service -include w* | sort-object -property status
- gsv w* | sort status
- PS C:\> stop-service -servicename w3svc
- spsv w3svc
- PS C:\> get-process
- PS C:\> get-process | sort-object -property handles
PS C:\> $p = get-process
PS C:\> $result = $p | measure-object -property handles -sum -average -max
PS C:\> $result | out-file '.\ProcessHandleStats.txt' - gps | measure-object handles -sum -average -max |
out-file '.\ProcessHandleStats.txt' - IIS 7 makes Web site deployment a simple matter of copying files
- # file: Deploy-Application.ps1
- PS C:\> .\Deploy-Application.ps1 #執行該script檔
- Join-Path C:\win* system* -Resolve
C:\WINDOWS\system.ini - 列出符合C:\win*\*system* 路徑的檔案或資料夾
$sourceMachine = "DemoServer1"
$farmList = get-content '.\RestOfFarm.txt'
$filesToCopy = get-content '.\AppManifest.txt'
foreach ($targetMachine in $farmList)
foreach ($file in $filesToCopy)
$sourcePath = "\\" + (join-path $sourceMachine $file)
$destPath = "\\" + (join-path $targetMachine $file)
write-host -for yellow "$targetMachine : Copying files from
copy-item $sourcePath $destPath
-recurse -force
Windows PowerShell with IIS 7
- IIS 7 adds the powerful ability to cache dynamically created content.
- #Consider this pre-release, IIS 7, Windows PowerShell cmdlet:
- PS C:\> add-iiscaching
-computer $computerlist
-path Demo #points to the root path of the application
-location index.php #points to the target application
-credential $cred #$cred = get-credential 執行時會跳出小視窗以輸入帳號及密碼資訊
-extension .php #specifies the type of application to cache
-kernelcachepolicy 0 #not to cache kernel information
-itemlocation 0 #specifies where to cache response information; 0 means store on either client or server
-policy 1 #means to continue caching until there is a change in the underlying cache element
-varybyquerystring "Qwd,Qif,Qiv,Qis" #query string